Sunday, August 2, 2009


time passes so fast.unknowingly i been using tis blog for 2 yrs tho its juz random n emo post .lol.

it was a sudden shock when i c the number appear.i certainly didnt expect it to appear again.yes again.and yes i noe who u r hw can i 4get.u caught mi by surprise.even tho i find tat no. familiar i had to tink again which shows i m succeeding in 4geting who u r but yet u juz had to remind mi at tis time.i've trying so hard to 4get everitin abt u and telling myself u dun even exist.yes it mite sound so childish but different ppl had different ways of coping wif tins i tink for mi tat way works out.u nv failed to make my heart skip a beat whenever the mere mention of ur name or anitin related to u.

i m awaes trying ways to escape,avoid or convince myself u dun exist at my foolish attempt to 4get tat the no. ever shown up i make a fool of myself drinking and making myself drunk and getting the worst hangover.implicating my poor frens who had to drag mi literally home and tolerate my vomiting.come to tink of it,it was a realli stupid attempt.but we all like doing tins on the spur of moment isnt it.

m awaes contradiciting myself,wld like to c u even 1 glance so much but yet on the other hand afraid to c u.i m nearly succeeding in 4getting who u r but u juz had to remind mi all over again.and yes the drink to 4get part is bullshit.u 4get for the moment but once u wake up everitin comes back.

till nw i still wonder if its a gd tin i didnt reply cos i dunno wat to sae.4give mi.

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